
Nature's order and the human order

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem . In the name of God, the most gracious and most merciful And we have created you in pairs. Quraan 78:8 The prophet Muhammed (SAW) used to spend time in a cave which was known as Mount Hira located in Mecca. This is also the place where our Nabi Muhammed (SAW) received the first revelation from Allah SWT through the angel Jibrael (Gabriel). Muhammed (SAW) wanted to know who the real God was so an increasing need for solitude led Muhammed (SAW) to seek seclusion and meditation. The prophet Muhammed SAW would retreat to the cave engaging in tahanuth. Judging by these facts, the place where wisdom can be attained for each individual is by reading and observing the order of nature. While spending time in seclusion and in nature, life gives you clarity of thought, sharper eyesight, purer feelings and unhindered nature. When looking at the animal species, horses for example; when you deal with them, you will realise that they still need proper management. You ...

The Pursuit of Happiness

  What is happiness to you ? Is it a place ? A destination ?  What is happiness to you ? Is is time spent in blissful meditation ?   We tie out happiness to the big moments, to  achievements, to the next big purchase, to things outside of our reach. So its more like an unending journey. What happens when the rush is gone ? What happens when all has been said and done ? Is it time to go on a search again ? Is it time to aim for that rush again ?  The pursuit soon becomes a addiction, searching for the rush of emotions and all this while, happiness has been right there. If only we have paid much attention....  Ive been thinking about being grateful, appreciation as i found my way through, because sometimes situations try to break you, Anger and bitterness overtake you.  Everybody is trying for a good life, only recently is when i understood life. People be telling you what you shouldn't like . My choice is to be grateful for all the special things i...

What is our deepest fear ?

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us,  Your playing small does not enlighten the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people wont feel insecure around you .  We were all meant to shine as children do. That light is not just in some of us, Its in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people the permission to do the same as we are liberated by our own fear. Our presence automatically liberates others  Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.” “ Fear  defeats more people than any other one thing in the world.” “ Fear  is pain arising from the anticipation of evil.” “Do the thing you  fear  to do and keep on doing it… that is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer  fear . Our fear should be conquered not because of egotistica...

The significance of Al Alim

In the Islamic faith, The almighty God has 99 Names,  Today I choose to write about one of Gods 99 names which is  Al Alim, Jalla Jalaluhu which means he who knows everything he created from the most secret to the the most obvious. He who has eternal and everlasting knowledge, from what is spoken by the lips to what us hidden in the heart.  The first command of God in the Holy Quraan is '' Ikra '' meaning read. But what is meant by this command isn't only reading books. It also means reading the order of the universe. Contemplating this order after becoming equipped with wisdom.  In verse 191 of Surah Al Imran, Allah Commands, They remember their  lord while standing or sitting or lying on their sides. They give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth saying ''Our Lord, you did not create this aimlessly. Exalted are you above such a thing. Protect us from the punishment of the fire" Look at the things around you that God created as examples...

Oh Doubt Oh Desire, Oh Love Oh Faith

  Oh Doubt Oh Desire, Blinded by a deception and veil that covers the eyes, ears, heart & speech. Oh Doubt Oh Desire, You fed souls with deceit And made many hearts feel incomplete Oh Doubt Oh Desire, People have become imprisoned to the traps you have placed Some are serving a life sentence of worship towards you. Oh Doubt Oh Desire, You’ve broken homes, hope and faith in people. You are the common denominator for people walking away from the holy spirit. You’ve led people to see a piece of gold instead of seeking the diamond infront of them. Oh Doubt Oh Desires This is the currency used for your worshippers to enslave others. You have barriers for patience as you have turned human beings into animals. Oh Doubt Oh Desires You try to break spirits by approaching matters in an arrogant manner You allow your mental intelligence to control your emotional intelligence. You speak to demoralize characters and eliminate faith from the heart. You eliminate the factors of kindness an...

Contentment of the Soul

 In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل Allah is Sufficient for us, and He is the best Disposer of affairs for us A powerful ayat that brings a level of peace & spiritual upliftment when read during Dhir ( a form of workship by praising the almighty & prophets of Allah).  My question always stumbled upon as to why this Ayat is close to my heart. Upon my quest for spiritual upliftment & research into the revelation of this Ayat, It is narrated that this Ayat was revealed to Prophet Ibrahim ( Abraham) & Prophet Muhammed as they were going through times of difficulties. Both Prophets had different challenges & perspective when the Ayat was revealed, however this Ayat brought a sense of tranquillity to ease the calamities which they were going through.  How beautiful is this Ayat ? taking a trip down memory lane, during the 40 days prayer when my mothers soul has left the body, I heard this Ayat, not understanding ...

The Meaning of Contentment, Submissions & Love

The happiest and most satisfied person in this life is the one in that finds a level of contentment. This person sees their situation as the most suitable for them because their Lord put them in that situation. If it is good for me, then God will have put me in that situation. When you are in this station of contentment, you are far from anger because anger is a result of thinking that you can have everything, the way you want it to be.  A meaning of 'pain' is that of 'separation from the Beloved', where the one in pain is a person who, in separation, seeks Union and cure.  One person is content with pain, another with the cure; One is content with Union, another with separation. I am content with whatever the Beloved desires. Be it cure, pain. Union or separation. The true lover prefers the Beloved's desires to his own, and is content with whatever the Beloved desires — be it pain or cure, separation or Union. Another meaning of 'pain' which is closest to i...