The significance of Al Alim

In the Islamic faith, The almighty God has 99 Names, 

Today I choose to write about one of Gods 99 names which is 

Al Alim, Jalla Jalaluhu which means he who knows everything he created from the most secret to the the most obvious. He who has eternal and everlasting knowledge, from what is spoken by the lips to what us hidden in the heart. 

The first command of God in the Holy Quraan is ''Ikra'' meaning read. But what is meant by this command isn't only reading books. It also means reading the order of the universe. Contemplating this order after becoming equipped with wisdom. 

In verse 191 of Surah Al Imran, Allah Commands, They remember their  lord while standing or sitting or lying on their sides. They give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth saying ''Our Lord, you did not create this aimlessly. Exalted are you above such a thing. Protect us from the punishment of the fire"

Look at the things around you that God created as examples. In everything living and inanimate, you will see the manifestation of the holy name Al- Alim of God. 

For example, your organs. They were created in such a flawless balance weren't they ? 

If our ears were a little more sensitive to what we hear, the noise around us would be insufferable wouldn't it ? 

If our noses had a keener sense of smell, who knows how uncomfortable we will be ? 

You can observe the dept of the holy name of Al Alim of God in nature too,

More than a thousand kind of animals and plants, none of which look alike. The colors and patterns imprinted on them tell us of the greatness of his wisdom. 

God Almighty wants us to have the wisdom to read the universe inorder for us to see this order that he created. Because as the prophet of peace (Muhammed S.A.W) said: Be either a teacher or a student. Be either a listener or an admirer of wisdom. But never be anything else or you'll be devastated. 

The aim of all this wisdom is knowing yourself (Muhammed S.A.W) said: Those who know themselves know God. If you know yourselves, you'll discover your capability. By improving that capability you'll gain favor on the road to Gods acquiescence.

If you learn what your capabilities are and advance them, you can make the world of peace prosperous on every front. If you want it and work for it, you will have the duty of maintaining the universal order and bring justice and strong morals and ethics into the world by leading with pureness and without pride. By understanding that humility is making the right decision.

'Dont forget that water drops will add up to become a sea


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